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A message from the School Nurse
WRITTEN BY Alice Ham ON May 18, 2017

Required Immunizations for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year.

Please have your immunizations current.

 Incoming Pre-K, Kindergarteners,1st Graders, and 2nd Graders must be current on immunizations in order to return to school in the fall.

For the upcoming 7th graders 

The immunization requirements are based upon the 2016-2017 Texas Minimum State Requirements for Students.

The immunizations required for 7th graders are:

One dose of MCV4 (Meningococcal)

Tdap/Td Booster

Second dose of Varicella (chickenpox)
If the student had chickenpox, I have a form that can be completed to document varicella immunity which is acceptable in lieu of either dose of varicella vaccine.

Please check your child’s immunization record to make sure they are not delinquent.

A list of students promoted to the 7th grade will be given to Mr. King, (High School Principal) and if the required immunizations are not met by the time school starts, the student will not be allowed to attend school on the first day of school August 28th until shots are current. Please schedule your appointment now for immunizations.

If the student received these shots over the summer, please bring proof (a copy of shot record) immediately to the Nurse’s Office. If you have any questions, contact the school nurse. 

Winnie McKnight, District RN, BSN

(936) 636-7832 Ext.237

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