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WRITTEN BY IES Admin ON November 01, 2016

We are so excited about our little town of Lovelady having its first Community Pumpkin Patch! It will be a great place to purchase pumpkins and take pictures! We also hope to have some fun activities on the weekends.

The Pumpkin patch will be located between the Elementary School and High School. We will start selling pumpkins on October 3rd and continue until October 31st. The pumpkin patch will be open from 11am to 7pm Monday through Saturday. And 2pm to 4pm on Sunday's.

WE NEED HELP!!! We will need volunteers to work the pumpkin patch. We also need volunteers to help unload the truck on October 1st at 8am. If anyone knows of any strong, manly men that could help please encourage them to lend a hand!

To sign up to work please click on the link below

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas please click on the email tab at the top of our Facebook page or you may message me at 936-222-7312.

Thank you!


To sign up for Remind clink on the link. This how we will be doing most of our communicating.



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