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Texas Week @ the Elementary School


Mon, Feb 27, 2017


All Day


Alice Ham

Texas Week @ the Elementary School

HEY Y’ALL!     

Lovelady Elementary students will celebrate TEXAS during the week of

Feb. 27- Mar. 3. They will enjoy many activities, as well as, getting to dress up.  We encourage our students to participate and enjoy this week dedicated to the biggest, best state ever!

This is our fun-filled schedule for the week:

Monday- Texas Team Sports Day (wear your favorite TX team)—EARLY RELEASE!!

Tuesday- Texas Style lunch (wear anything TX oriented)

Wednesday- Rodeo Clown Day (dress like a rodeo clown)

Thursday- Dr. Seuss’ Birthday (wear a Seuss shirt or hat)

Friday- Go Texan Day (wear your western attire)—Flex Day for 4th, 5th, 6th

In addition, we plan to have special activities in PE, such as stick horse races and line dancing.  There will be a Texas art contest in each class! Winners will receive a prize on Friday. There will also be a best dressed prize given each day!

We’re looking forward to an awesome week!  Yee-haw!



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