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Junior High/High School Principal
Michael King
(936) 636-7636 x225
Todd Stone
936-636-7616 ext 226


Vision Statement

Lovelady ISD is dedicated to excellence in all endeavors our students undertake. All students will perform at a high level and be prepared to continue that excellence when they become citizens of an ever-changing world.


JH-HS Campus Improvement Plan 2016 - 2017

Classroom Champion

Congratulations to Sydney Price, chosen as KBTX's Classroom Champion.
Her story will air February 9, 2017 on KBTX CH3 Bryan/College Station.
Great job Sydney!

Classroom Champion

Classroom Champion

Humanities Texas Traveling Exhibit
Lovelady Honors English students visited the Humanities Texas Traveling Exhibit "The Road to the Promised Land: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement".

Students learned about important events in our country's history and the struggles minorities faced from the 1950's - 1990's.
 Special thanks to Sam Houston Memorial Museum for allowing our group to participate and Mr. Parker for volunteering to drive us there.

ovelady Honors English students visited the Humanities Texas Traveling Exhibit

Public Information original


In case of emergency closing of the school, it is advisable to listen to your local (Crockett) radio stations: KIVY-92.7 FM or KBHT-93.5 FM. We will be in contact primarily with those two stations.
Lovelady ISD is sharing this information about the district and campuses as part of its obligations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Tax Information
The Lovelady Independent School District adopted a tax rate of  $1.04 per $100 evaluation. Therefore the tax rate is 0.04.
College Classes
Lovelady ISD continues to encourage and provide opportunities for students to participate in higher level learning through enrollment in college classes.  Students wishing to enroll in these classes will complete the necessary paperwork in the Spring, before beginning these classes in the following Fall.  Students must maintain a high school GPA of 90 or better for juniors and 85 or better for seniors before they will be allowed to enroll in these classes.  Placement exams for enrollment are also required.  For more information, students need to see the counselor.
Gifted and Talented
TEA Information
 is the publicly accessible, searchable website mandated by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 to give the American public access to information on how their tax dollars are spent.
TEA Reports

TEA 2016 Index 1 Student Achievement Calculation Report - Lovelady Elementary

TEA 2016 Index 2 Student Achievement Calculation Report - Lovelady Elementary

TEA 2016 Index 3 Student Achievement Calculation Report - Lovelady Elementary

TEA 2016 Index 4 Student Achievement Calculation Report - Lovelady Elementary


2016 District Accountability Ratings Report

2016 Accountability Reports

2015-2016 FIRST Report


Link to Accountability Comparison Group Tables


Link to TEA School Report Cards

TEA School Report Cards 2015 - 2016 - All Campuses

​Texas Education Agency 2015-2016 Federal Report Card - Lovelady Elementary

For More Files and Information Click the File Link Below

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